Sunday, July 26, 2015

Cinderella - Homework Discussion Questions & Vocabulary Words (12/20/19)

The following prompts/questions are to be answered in Googledocs and submitted before the start of tomorrow's class.
Please be sure to use your last name in the title of the document as well as "Cinderella Discussion Questions."

Plath's "Cinderella" is a re-telling of one part of the familiar fairytale about Cinderella. If we want to reach some deeper understanding of Plath's implied meaning, we must ask ourselves:

1) Describe the details that Plath includes that are different from, or additional to, the "standard" version of the story.
2) What parts of the original story does she emphasize?
3) What parts of the original story does she leave out?
4) Give a brief description of the scene being described in Plath's poem. What are some sensory details the poem employs to help build, sustain, and change the mood of the poem?
5) Using what you've learned about Plath's poem, please list a piece of fiction (literature, song, film) that uses similar themes. Describe what makes the work you have chosen similar to "Cinderella." Be sure to consider symbolism and theme when choosing your complimentary piece.

These questions can help you understand the "meaning" of Plath's own version of this story.

Please define the following words in your notebooks for tomorrow's class:


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